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发表于 2016-11-5 21:27 来自手机 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

翻译:becomequantum 订阅号:灵音悠扬
We entreatied Mary Magdalen with numerous questions after she delivered her Manuscript. There were certain questions we knew we would be asked when we presented this material to the world. Some of the questions we asked were personal, but we felt it important to ask them when presented the opportunity. She answered some of these questions, but often her answer was, 'Tell them Mary Magdalen has no comment.' We share this with you to show you more of the personality of the Being we experienced. Her boundaries were clear. She had no difficulty delineating what was her personal business and what information might be of help in this time. She had no patience for questions that achieved nothing but reduce her story to idle conversation and irrelevant trivia.
在她传导完她的手稿之后我们祈请抹大拉的玛丽亚回答了很多问题。有一些特定的问题我们知道我们是会问的,当我们把这份资料呈现给这个世界之后。我们问的一些问题是个人的,但我们觉得当有机会的时候问这些问题是重要的。她回答了其中一些问题,但通常她的回答是,“告诉他们抹大拉的玛丽亚没有评论。” 我们跟你们分享这个是为了向你们展示我们经验到的这位存有的更多个性。她的界限是清晰的。她在分辨什么是她的个人事物和哪些信息能对这个时代有帮助上毫无困难。她对会把她的故事变成无意义的对话和无关琐事的问题毫无兴趣。
Rather than write a dialogue we have presented these questions and answers exactly as they were asked and as they were answered.
Q: Were you and Yeshua married?
Magdalen: 'Yeshua and I were married in a rabbinical tradition. In the Gospels they report that Yeshua turned water into wine at a wedding ceremony. What they failed to mention was that the wedding was ours.It was known.
There are two paths that sometimes overlap. One is Initiation and one is marriage.
Initiation is entering a higher threshold of understanding and ability. Initiations are given to solitary individuals.
Those in Sacred Relationship step into this through their mutual intention. Acknowledgement by another is unnecessary.That is a cultural way of doing it.Those who enter into the heart of Sacred Relationship will go through Initiations as a result of their entering into the mysteries.What is important is not the act but the process of Sacred Relationship.'
Q: How does the Sex Magic of Isis change for women who have had hysterectomy or menopause?
Magdalen: 'The sexual fluids of a mature woman who has gone through either of these is, of course, different from those of a woman who is fertile. So the interaction of semen and the woman's sexual fluids do not have the same energetic constituency. However, there is a reaction and more importantly all other aspects of the Sex Magic of Isis apply.The stroking, the touch, the nesting all create the magnetic fields which can be drawn into both Initiates' subtle bodies, and so while the act may not be as dynamic as in their youth, it is still effective.'
Q: How does Sex Magic change with men who have had vasectomies?
Magdalen: 'The possibility of vasectomies was not a consideration during my time in the Temples of Isis. From the standpoint of the Sex Magic of Isis, the truth of the matter is that the man must rely upon stroking and touch and nesting to create the magnetic fields. The question implied is, will the Sex Magic work for a man who had a vasectomy? Yes, but with one consideration. Because the magnetics of his semen are denied interaction with the sexual fluids of his partner, he must actually stroke and touch his partner more than normal, in order to build close to the same intensity of magnetics.'
Q: In the Manuscript you said that the issues that men had with their mothers might affect the alchemy between them and their partners.Does the same hold true for women? Does their relationship with their fathers affect the alchemy?
Magdalen: 'To a certain extent, yes;a girl's experience with her father, by necessity, colors her interactions with her partner as a woman. And so to this extent, the effects are similar. But what I wish to have pointed out In regards to the male Initiate is the unusual vulnerability that the male experiences in relationship to the female. A daughter was never 'carried by her father,' for he does not have a womb. Her body was not formed out of his elements.
The son, on the other hand, is carried within the womb of the mother and is surrounded by her during his development. And once he is born, he begins the process of separation. Once his development reaches a certain stage, and if there were issues with his mother that are unresolved as a man, he may find it difficult to nest—because to nest is to be surrounded by the feminine energy once again, as he was in utero. And this is a different situation than with the woman and issues she may have with her father.”
而儿子,从另一方面说,是在母亲的子宫中孕育的,并在发育的过程中被她环绕。一旦他出生了,他就会开始分离的过程。等他发育到了一定阶段,如果作为一个男人他和他母亲之间还有问题没有解决,他可能就会发现蜗居是很困难的 —— 因为蜗居就是要再次被女性能量所环抱,就和他在子宫里一样。而这种情况和女性可能会和她父亲之间的问题是不同的。”
Q: Do you have any comments about the other major alchemical streams that teach that a man should retain his semen during intercourse?
Magdalen: “You may say,‘And she laughed!’
My bias, you understand,is as a Priestess of the Temples of Isis. The alchemy I was trained in is feminine based, and we view some of these things quite differently than the other streams you mention.
For one, we hold that the Creatrix of all time and space, whom we call Isis, is enfolded in the natures of all women. It is a part of them. Just like the seeds of a fig are hidden within it. We also understood that alchemy was based upon the joining of two opposites, the male principle and the female principle. But in this way of alchemy, the woman is understood to hold the alchemical keys. The male is needed in order to turn the keys, and It is in the mutual joining together of these polar opposites embodied within the male and female Initiate that the Alchemy takes place. From our perspective, the withholding of the male's semen is just another playing out of his general tendency to withhold.
It is true that a male's vitality is related to the energetics of his seed and that reckless release of his semen can affect his vitality. However, when the male releases his seed into his Beloved and he nests within her energies, he is fed and nourished by the magnetics as the door to her inner nature opens, flooding both of them with life-force. This is a different alchemical path than the other streams on the Earth at this time.'
Q: Did you form a mystery school or teach in France or England?
Magdalen: 'Upon landing at St. Maries my first and foremost concern was the safety of Sar'h,and so we headed north with the Druids to the Glastonbury and the Tor. WhenSar'h was twelve I returned to the reeds to do the water Isis Ritual. By then Sar'h was not in danger and our return to England was more leisurely. I formed some teaching circles. After Sar'h wedded, I made periodic trips into France and into parts of England where I did teach the mysteries of the Temples of Isis.'
抹大拉:“最初在St. Maries登陆的时候我首要的顾虑是Sar'h的安全,所以我们和德鲁伊教团一起北上到了Glastonbury和Tor。到Sar'h十二岁的时候我回到了芦苇荡并进行了伊希斯水仪式。这时Sar'h已经没有危险了,我们返回英格兰的旅途是更从容的。我成立了一些教导圈子。在Sar'h结婚之后,我会定期旅行到法国和英格兰的部分地区,并在那些地方教导伊希斯神庙的神秘学。”
Q: Is Magdalen a title?
Magdalen: 'It was a title of spiritual recognition. There is an Order of Magdalen. It is hidden.”
Q: What is the reason for the use of the reptilian imagery as used in the Alchemies of Horus?
Magdalen: “These serpentine images were used to communicate the serpent-like structure of sekhem as It moves up the djed. As the energies released by the Alchemies of Horus rise up the djed,they are snake-like in nature, undulating in other words.As they enter the head,they often tend to spread out across the hemispheres of the brain, like a cobra that shows its hood. Thus, the serpent form is a metaphor, a symbolic element that points to the deeper structure and nature of consciousness as it moves in the subtle body (the Ka).'
Q: The Gospels report that Yeshua exorcised seven demons from you? What was that?
Magdalen: 'Yeshua performed a rite of punficalion clearing out what you would call negativity from my seven chakras. It was a chakra clearing. The 'seven demons' are simply negative energies that we all carry from time to time in our fields. He cleared this from my fields in preparation for the deeper alchemy we were to performtogether.
What is not clarified is that I cleared the seven chakras for him as well. I performed that same process on him.
The principal is this.
As one increases the power of one's illumination, or spiritual nature, one becomes a magnet for many energies that are not one's own. This is time when a person is in a lower emotional state and becomes open to negative forces or energies, which in Yeshua's time were called demons. This becomes especially true when one is intoxicated or altered through drug use. If one's emotional tone (or vibrational state) is low, one opens the door to these negative and sometimes destructive energies.
However, paradoxically, something similar occurs when one moves upward into higher states of consciousness, because one becomes a magnet (or attractor) for these negative energies. And we all have occasions when we are not aware, and sometimes places are frequented that are not in our best interest, and this is when these energies ride in, so to speak.
The process was simply an ancient practice that stretches back to the Temples of Isis. It was a process for the Purification of the Seven Seals that drives out any negativity that we may carry, that we may not even be aware of. This was accomplished through the use of secret mantras, prayer, and the direction of light through intention, or will, into these centers. It is a complex process that not everyone is capable of, so to give the methodology, so to speak, to the masses would be a disservice, because distortions would occur.It takes a level of mastery to clear the seals in the method that I used to clear him and he used to clear me.
Yet, once again, we see in the Gospel account of this, a one-sided and manipulative perspective. That Yeshua came to me for this purification as well was never reported. And yet they knew about it.'
Q: What is meant by 'the return of Cosmic Mother?”
Magdalen: “It is a shift of collective consciousness to an honoring of the feminine. It will show up as a global and collective understanding of the sacredness of the earth itself, so that instead of raping and pillaging the earth, there will be a co-creation of the earth.
And women—those souls embodied as women—will be elevated to a place of equality, of appreciation along with the male principal.
As you can tell, this earth has a long way to go before it reaches this.”
Q: Do you mean it will be a long time before this happens?
Magdalen: 'No, I mean it's a big leap in consciousness from where humanity is now, collectively. So thus, we can see or understand the need for purification. The need for purification decreases as each person comes into balance with the male/female within and moves to a place of honoring those externally embodied male/female relationships'
We asked Mary Magdalen if she has had other incarnations and she told us that she had no other incarnations.
Mary Magdalen made several references in our conversations to 'those aligned with the New Earth.'we asked her what would qualify those in alignment with this new Earth, she replied without hesitation,'No guilt. No shame. No regrets.'

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