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【大天使麦克与光之军团】 欢迎回归光









发表于 2018-2-10 13:47 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
【大天使麦克与光之军团】 欢迎回归光

Dearest hearts, we wish to speak to you tonight of the impending changes taking flight. For you have waited so long in such an infinite fight for the wrongs to become now right. So many of you have shifted the vibe, it is time to welcome you back into the light. That does not mean you have to leave your earthly vessels, on the contrary, you are welcoming your higher selves into the earthly plane to help you learn to love again.


It is from this higher perspective that you will see the old truths no longer hold true. For this is a new day, a new dawn has come, stepping into oneness and love. There is no greater mission, no greater feat, than transcending the world of poverty and lack and finding your way back to the light of abundance and grace and sweet love. These are the gifts to be restored to you dear ones.


For so many have waited with great faith in their Lords, never knowing the tools were inside you all along. By turning your focus inward you will become the Infinite Ones. So full of light and love and hope that no one can ever doubt the existence of what they have not been able to see until now.


For you are the ones to start the new show. New script in hand, let go of all you currently know. New truths to come out quite swiftly it’s clear, to show the masses a triumphant and luminous pathway from fear to redemption, from our hearts to yours, a unification of all that has come before.


The dimensions are closing in on themselves, uniting the energies – weaving a new tapestry for this game you call life. For in the higher realms we watch and we think, how do they take themselves so seriously? For what you see before you is only one aspect of you. For you are so much more than this one life, you are one of many ‘yous’ and in many dimensions of time. You can never know the glory you have brought to this life. For you cannot see your infinite light. You do not yet know the full wisdom inside. But now we will show you the higher vibrations of light, to move into the dimensions that house the reflections of the highest of mind.

维度在关闭(dimensions are closing in on themselves),凝聚能量---为你称为生活的游戏编织一个新的毛毯。因为在更高领域,我们观察,我们思考,他们为何会这么认真对待?因为你所看到的只是你的一个面向。因为你比这个生命要更复杂,你是许多“你”的其中之一,在许多时间维度中。你永远不会知道你带给此生的辉煌。因为你无法看到你无限的光。你并不知道内在的全部智慧,但现在我们会展示你光的更高振动,去进入头脑最大反射的维度

Shine bright, shine bright children divine, for we are your brothers and sisters in the infinite light and we are here to show you what it means to recover your life / light.


Blessings Divine, We are the Legions of Light and I AM Arch Angel Michael at one with the light


通灵:Karen Vivenzio
翻译:Nick Chan https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/_qcIBvvwr-kPHNWiXJEFBg

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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