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发表于 2017-7-7 10:22 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


I wish you could SEE yourself as I do. That you could SEE your light that wants to glow, show, come through every living cell. A star in human form, walking around star shine BEAMING, and star dust stuff in your every molecule of DNA.


I wish you could FEEL yourself as I can. That you could feel your precious human heart that is the JEWEL of your species, that which makes you a beacon in all the Universes. Every tear containing the codes to unlock compassion, gratitude, forgiveness, and empathy. So many levels and layers to each feeling!


I wish you could BE yourself as I perceive you to BE. That you could be authentic without hiding, conforming, shrinking, or denying to anyone or anything. Your self consciousness or self judgement held by parts of you could be released and healed and your TRUE self FREE to BE in all moments.


I wish you could REMEMBER yourself as I remember you. That you could remember you are a reflection of Divine Source, that you ARE Infinite Love in human form. Your reclaiming of your birthright around this embodiment providing waves of trust and support as you undergo your journey of awakening and remembering.


I wish you could SERVE yourself as I serve you. That you could serve love TO yourself and all the parts of you that need your compassion, care, and re-parenting. That you could serve love to all the soul aspects from your Metasoul that are hurting, in trauma, suffering, all alone, existing in many timelines.


These wishes are what the Divine holds for you, every individual human, in Its heart for you. These wishes are what the Archangels, angels, and love-based Ethereal BEings hold for you. To ARISE into the seeing, feeling, and being of what is the BEST of who and what you all ARE.


These are desires of an Infinite Love source for which there are no conditions to qualify to remember Its love. The Divine holds this potential and capacity for EVERY soul incarnate with Gaia, even as It lets go of attaching to your outcomes or your choices. The Divine invites you into experiencing the Infinite potential of yourself even as it respects your sovereignty.


Many more of you are LIVING into this. Many more of you are seeing, feeling, being, remembering AND serving your sacred humanity. Many more of you are asking for the love from Angels, Spirit Guides, whatever forms of the Divine that you can more feel and BE with and BEcome too. Many more of you are claiming your soul purpose here, serving love to yourself and with others, and offering a WAY for others to come WITH you. Many more of you are so bravely feeling and healing your way forward, letting go of what does not come from love in order to let in MORE love and aligning your lives to Divine purpose and Infinite Love source.


I hold my wishes for Humanity, as do so many BEings across the Universes and Divine Source too. We meet and match any NEW and higher vibrational e·xpressions and realities that you are open to receiving. We are Birthing sacred humanity together with YOU and the gifts on both sides hold Infinite Possibilities of LOVE! And, So It Is and So we ARE! ~


原文:https://eraoflight.com/2017/07/0 ... e-yourself-as-i-do/
通灵:Jelelle Awen
翻译:Nick Chan  http://nickchan-love.blog.163.co ... 603220176685921643/

【觉醒家园】 www.awaker.info

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